BIOGENETICS offres bioinformatics analysis services for NGS sequencing technologies genomic data. Some of our available services:
Metagenomics: global analysis of microbiological populations, sequencing of 16S/ITS amplicons, location of sequences in massive databases.
Genomic resequencing: primary, secondary and tertiary analysis of DNA data (FASTA, FASTq). Specific regions, Exomas, Complete Genomes, detection of genomic variants and identification variants, factor analysis, etc.
RNA-Seq (WTSS): transcriptomic bi-directional processing in-silico mRNA-cDNA-mRNA. Control and quantification of gene expression (differential expression, clustering, co-expression, prediction, selection of markers, etc.).
De Novo Sequencing: assembly of genomes (from short and long-reads). Definition of scaffolds. Functional identification of genes.
Comparative genomics: search of genes / operons / differential functions, Comparative multi-genome study, inter and intra-population comparison, identification of variants, etc.).
Epigenetics and gene regulation: analysis of ChIP-Seq data, identification and comparative study of regulatory regions of transcription as well as methylation patterns and other post-transductional alterations, correlation with phenotypic variant, etc.
Proteomics: quality control, normalization and proteome analysis (quantitative analysis of proteins, factor analysis, etc.).
Genomic resequencing: Specific analyzes in Hi-Fi conditions of genes/proteins, inference and study of biological systems.
Ad-hoc development: development of customized software solutions for privately financed projects.
Cloud storage service for research data.
Online application for processing and secondary and tertiary analysis of NGS data, with vertical solutions for applications in molecular microbiology, population genetics and conservation.